Join us at KOA Training Academy on Saturday 8/21/21 for a Muay Thai seminar with three legendry fighters and trainers of the sport.
Samart Payakaroon is known as the greatest Muay Thai fighter of all time, that have inspired even today’s modern champions such as Saenchai and Rodtang. His accomplishments include being multiple time Muay Thai champion from the famed Lumpinee Stadium, a boxing WBC world champion, and even boasts an entertainment career in acting and singing.
Ganyao Arunleung known as “Dr. Knee” for his height and prowess during his time as a fighter as well as coaching some of the greatest Muay Thai world champions in history. He played a key role in establishing Fairtex in America and was even featured as an expert striking coach on “The Ultimate Fighter” in 2005 to develop future UFC fighters.
Bunkerd Fairtex, one of the original Fairtex fighters and trainers sent from Thailand to help bring Muay Thai to America and the world stage. He has fought professionally more than 350 times and is an incredible trainer for this sport.
All are welcome to join, whether you are a beginner being introduced to the world of fighting or have aspirations to take fighting to the next level. Seminar fees are $100 for the 3-hour session. RSVP and pay by contacting Jessica Zhang (cell #: 908-444-3272) or Anh Fairtex on Instagram (@anhfairtex).